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Statuette - Housey Girl
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CH Heritage offers this bronze cast statuette of a Housey Girl.
(n.b.Postage for this product will be by special delivery)

£99.00 (inc. VAT @ 20%)
Out of stock - on order

1844 Silver spoons and forks
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Christ's Hospital is pleased to be able to offer you the opportunity to purchase a piece of its unique history which our Heritage Committee has agreed are excess to our requirements.

We are offering for sale 80 sets of silver spoons and forks dating from 1844, and believed to have been acquired for the public supper which Queen Victoria and Prince Albert attended in March 1845.

Made by George Angell (a notable Victorian silversmith) and inscribed with the CH Crest with a fiddle thread and shell pattern, the spoon and fork sets are being offered for sale at £200 per set, with a maximum purchase of 4 sets per person.

(n.b.Postage for this product will be by special delivery)

In Stock

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